What is one thing you'd like to receive this Christmas even though you know you won't be getting it? A new car? A cruise? A winning lottery ticket?
Well, even though it breaks my inner child's heart, I know I won't be getting snow for Christmas this year. This is a huge disappointment because I grew up on a Christmas tree farm in the snow belt (meaning...we got belted with snow!) south of Buffalo, NY. "Snow" was my middle name as a child. Deep, fluffy white snow in drifts up to my waist for five months out of the year. Snow for building forts. Snow for sledding and skiing. Snow for Christmas Day. Without fail.
"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
just like the ones I used to know."
~Irving Berlin~
When you think about it, all the classic children's stories about Christmas take place up North--from "T'was the Night Before Christmas", to "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", to "A Christmas Carol", to "The Polar Express."
And, who can forget the snowy winter scenes in our favorite Christmas movies--"Home Alone", "Elf", "It's a Wonderful Life", and "Miracle on 34th Street"--as well as the Currier and Ives prints depicting the season?
I mean, who pictures palm trees, sand, and surf when they think of Christmas? I always thought Southerners must feel as if their Christmas was somehow less than authentic...when the real spirit of the holiday resides up North.
My inner child would still love to wake up to snow on Christmas morning, but that's not what's really important to me. I would trade it all in if I could wake up to world peace on Christmas Day. If we could shelter, feed, and clothe every refugee family, and put an end to homelessness and world hunger while we're at it. I would welcome a Christmas without snow if it meant the sick and suffering could find healing and comfort. If cruelty, blame, and hatred disappeared forever. If war were banished from Mother Earth for all eternity.
Of course, I would gladly settle for a lot less than that. I would trade in a white Christmas if it meant that someone who has lost hope could experience healing. If someone who is lonely could enjoy companionship for the day. If a homeless family were provided with shelter, warmth, and a good meal.
If one life was spared because the snow didn't fall, I would rejoice...because the things I want for Christmas aren't really things at all.
"The most important things in life
aren't things."
~Anthony J. D'Angelo~
I wish everyone could be happy at Christmastime. That everyone had hope. That everyone was at peace. It's hard to know what to do for those who aren't. What good are presents when pain is the problem?
When this happens, I am left to reflect on what I think would be helpful to me if the tables were turned:
If I were sick, if I were the one receiving chemo, or struggling against pain, I would want a friend at my bedside.
Don't bring me presents. Don't bother with fuzzy pink slippers or flowers or food...unless, of course, it makes
you happy...in which case, bring it on! Even though it's your
presence I need.
If I were grieving the loss of a loved one--a parent, or one of my children, or my best friend--I would want you to sit at the kitchen table with me and share stories--the sweet, funny, poignant moments that we enjoyed with them. I'll brew the tea. You bring the cookies.
"Your story matters
more than you can know."
~S.A.D. Australia~
If my house turned to rubble in a storm, or I lost my job, or my marriage went south, I would need you to hold me up, to cheer me on, to shelter me if it came to that. Don't say, "Call me if you need anything." I would need everything and I wouldn't have the strength to pick up the phone and ask for it. Just come. Sit. Stay.
~www.weheartit.com |
One of the best presents we can give is exactly that--our presence. Our halting, not-sure-what-to-do-or-say presence. Our I'll-be-here-for-you-no-matter-what friendship. Our I-wish-I-could-do-more-for-you selves. Tied with a bow.
If Christmas with your family is happy, loving, and peaceful, I wish you a merry one.
If not, I wish you hope. Strength. Friendship. Beauty. Time. Snow if you like it…sunshine if you don’t.
One thing I've learned about this time of the year is this:
"Always be prepared for something
amazing to happen."
~Melanie Perkins~
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