Tuesday, September 10, 2024

how to feel better about things


Tanzania 2012

Last week we were reminded once again...as if we needed a reminder...that the world we live in is a conglomeration of both beauty and ruin, of cruelty and kindness, of contentment and despair. Of joy and grief. Of pain. Of mystery. It's a lot to think about.

We saw school children embracing one another in tears at the senseless gun violence that took down two of them and two of their teachers in Georgia. We watched children wander aimlessly through the rubble of what used to be home for them in Gaza. We were subjected to more political nonsense that included insults, lies, and denial from people we should be able to trust to defend the freedom, justice, and equality our nation was built upon.

"Suffering by nature or by chance
never seems so painful as
suffering inflicted on us by the arbitrary will of another."
~Arthur Schopenhauer~

Suffering is not only painful to witness, but it can leave us feeling helpless. Frustrated. Heartbroken. Thank goodness for goodness. For kindness, gratitude, and forgiveness. For people who step up to feed the hungry. For people who do what they can to provide relief. Comfort. Solace. Thank goodness for people who speak the truth and act on it...

"Although the world is full of suffering, 
it is also full of the overcoming of it."
~Helen Keller~

...because suffering has a tendency to overwhelm us. We need to remind ourselves that goodness abounds. It can help to seek out and appreciate beauty. To embrace friendship. To contemplate the mysteries that surround us. As Neil DeGrasse Tyson tells us, 

"Everyone should have their mind blown
once a day."
~Neil DeGrasse Tyson~

If you feel overwhelmed, or angry, or broken by the suffering you are experiencing yourself, or witnessing around you, or learning about from afar, contemplate the problem and explore the ways you might be able to help. Volunteer. Donate. Speak up. Set an intention or send up a prayer if that seems to work for you. 

If you feel thwarted or helpless, give yourself permission to think about something else for a little while. Let yourself rest. If all else fails, make an effort to put things into perspective. Contemplate the stars in the night sky. Read something by Neil DeGrasse Tyson:

"The universe is under no obligation
to make sense to you."
~Neil DeGrasse Tyson~

Listen to something by Bach or the Beach Boys. Step outdoors even if it's raining. Find a tree to hug. A dog to pet. A baby to hold. You'll feel better. 

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