Tuesday, December 31, 2024

deep peace, however you imagine it


I'm not a fan of making New Year's Resolutions. It's a time-consuming process that smacks of self-discipline, grim determination, and Herculean effort...and it often ends in failure. So, last year, I turned my attention to wishful thinking. This has a more optimistic ring to it. It suggests we believe...or hope...that the new year holds limitless possibility for us...the possibility that good will come to us, that our burdens will be lifted, that help is available. It enables us to envision a world at peace, to imagine an end to poverty and hunger, to hope for an elusive cure, to pray for an end to suffering. 

Unfortunately, that didn't seem to work too well, either...given the fact that the shift toward world peace, compassion, and caring I was wishing for never materialized. Instead, we witnessed an escalation in greed, cruelty, and bigotry that fed into war, poverty, and pain. Fear. Dread. Despair.

So...what now? 

If 2024 was a difficult year for you...because of illness or loss, because of hunger or homelessness, because of loneliness, or failure, or rejection, or simply because you stay abreast of the news...how will you navigate 2025? Because, trust me, we will be tested. We will witness heartbreaking cruelty toward immigrant families and children. We will see an uptick in preventable diseases affecting our children. The LGTBQ+ community will suffer. We will feel the pain of racism, misogyny, injustice, and greed. We already feel it. And, we will feel helpless to change it. We already do.

Which is why I believe that self-care will be more important than ever in the New Year. 

"Self care is a divine responsibility."
~Danielle LaPorte~

This may include a few traditional resolutions like exercising more, improving your diet, or balancing your budget...but it involves so much more. Here is some advice for the New Year from people I admire and respect:

"Be good to yourself. 
If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?"
~Kobi Yamada~

"Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head
to sit down and shut up."
~Ann Bradford~

"Release your majestic mind,
embrace your untamed spirit,
break free from captivity..."
~Melanie Muller~

"Whatever is good for your soul, 
do that."
~Attribution unknown~

"Everybody should be quiet
near a little stream and listen."
~Christopher Robin~

"Tell your story
with your whole heart."
~Brene Brown~

"Keep close to Nature's heart...
and break clear away once in a while,
and climb a mountain or spend a week
in the woods.
Wash your spirit clean."
~John Muir~

"Walk as if you are kissing the earth
with your feet."
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

"Never stop questioning."
~Albert Einstein~

That's just for starters. Above all, remember this:

"The bad news is: a lot can change in a year.
The good news is: a lot can change in a year."
~Attribution unknown~

In the meantime, my New Year's wish for you is for deep peace, however you imagine it, whatever it takes for you to embrace a few moments of it, whomever you choose to share it with. 
Take good care of yourself and those you love in the New Year.
Remember that those who are difficult to love need it, too...

~Elaine Hagenberg~

Deep peace of the winter solstice to you.
Deep peace of the falling snow to you.
Deep peace of the love of friends to you.
Deep peace of the gentle deer to you.
Deep peace of the moon and stars to you.
~author unknown~

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

"whisper words of wisdom"

"Always be prepared
for something amazing to happen."
~Melanie Perkins~

Wishing everyone pure joy and boundless optimism this Christmas.
If yours can't be merry this year, then may it at least be white.
If you don't care for snow, may it simply be...enough.

Words of wisdom:

"Let it be."
~John Lennon~


Saturday, December 14, 2024

look for the helpers

Yes, I walked all the way up...

Mr. Roger's mother got it right when she reminded him to "look for the helpers" when he saw scary things happening around him.

"When I was a boy and
I would see scary things in the news,
my mother would say to me,
'Look for the helpers.
You will always find people who are helping.'"
~Fred Rogers~

Helpers are especially important when bad news arrives around the holidays...when illness strikes, a loved one dies, a neighbor's house goes up in flames, or depression takes its toll.

Who are these helpers? How will we recognize them? Here are five sure signs you're looking at a helper:

  • Helpers meet trouble head on. Like deep winter snow, they go right out into it and plod through it just to help others through it, too.
  • They ask existential questions. Why? Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why now, during the holidays? They confront the ultimate mystery: why not? Why are any of us spared? 
  • Reflecting on the work they have chosen, they are grounded in empathy. They suffer right along with the people they care for.  
  • The fact that they encounter suffering and understand what it's about solidifies their sense of purpose.
  • They consider service a privilege.
"The best way to find yourself
is to lose yourself
in the service of others."
~Mahatma Gandhi~

If you are a health care provider--a doctor or nurse, a nurse practitioner or a physicians assistant, an EMT, or a therapist in any field--you are a helper. If you are a first responder, we depend upon your help. If you work as a caretaker, a teacher, or a pastor, you're a helper. If you are a parent or grandparent, you are definitely a helper. If you staff a food kitchen or a homeless shelter or an animal rescue, you are one of us. If you drive a snow plow, repair our roads, or haul away our trash, you are helping. What would we do without you? How would we get through the holidays? How would life go on?

Each of us is a helper in our own special way. We encounter each other every day at the intersection of give and take, of sorrow and joy, of pain and pleasure.

When you see scary things happening around you, do what Fred Rogers did when he was a boy. Look for the helpers...and remember that you are one of them, too.

"The world is full of
healers, helpers, and lovers.
If you can't find one,
be one."
~from Treehouse of Hope~

Monday, December 9, 2024

gifts for aspiring writers

This Year's Best Gifts for Aspiring Writers 

A supply of Seven Year Pens~~After all, it will most likely take them that long to finish writing their NY Times best-seller. These are perfect for when the power goes off or their laptop crashes. They can just keep on writing.
A treadmill writing desk~~Be sure to include a gift card that wishes them good health in the New Year. Don't mention their spreading hips or expanding waistline.
Coffee wine~~For the caffeine addict/wine lover in your life, it solves two problems without dirtying glassware unnecessarily, and, yes~~it does exist. Check it out here.


For those who insist they don't want ANYTHING for Christmas, you can always try this:
A word of sincere appreciation~~This doesn't mean you have to gush over their epic dystopian romantic thriller if you're not into that kind of thing. No, it means you understand how hard they work, the dedication it takes, the solitude it requires. The missed meals, sleepless nights, and unpredictable mood swings that you have not only witnessed, but experienced yourself just by being around them.

A word of encouragement~~It says to them that you understand their need to stare out the window or gaze at a blank wall for days on end to come up with just the right word, and no, you don't think they're lazy good-for-nothing loafers because that's how they've chosen to spend their entire adult life.
A gentle critique~~Start like this: "I enjoyed reading your 856 page manuscript, 'Moo Cow Makes It Home'...." Nod and say it with a smile. After all, you don't want to alienate the author, especially if it's your spouse or best friend. After you flatter them you may then point out salient problems as you see them, "...but it's a little long for a children's book." You'll be doing them a favor.

If you're an agent or an editor, a contract would be nice~~You have the easy job. No shopping around for you. No fretting over what to give. This is guaranteed to be a big hit on Christmas day.
With just fifteen shopping days until Christmas, what's on your list?
"Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!
What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store?
What if Christmas
means a little bit more?"
~~Dr. Seuss~~

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Christmas presence

Are you ready for Christmas? I am. I'm as ready as I can be given the fact that this isn't the easiest celebration to pull off every year. A snowstorm could sweep in and ruin everything. Money may be running low. A common cold can lay a person low. 
But that's not what worries me.

The problem is that I have friends who are sick...so sick, in fact, that this could be the last Christmas they see. I have friends who are grieving. I know people who are lonely. Angry. Depressed.

And, most likely you do, too.

The holidays have a way of putting life's inevitable struggles into perspective. The bright lights and merry carols that the rest of us enjoy can dampen the spirits, deepen the grief, and aggravate the loneliness that so many feel at this time of the year.


I wish everyone could be happy at Christmastime. That everyone had hope. That everyone was at peace. It's hard to know what to do for those who aren't. What good are presents when pain is the problem?

When this happens, I am left to reflect on what I think would be helpful to me if the tables were turned:

If I were sick, if I were the one receiving chemo, or struggling against pain, I would want a friend at my side.

"Nobody cares how much you know
until they know how much you care."
~Theodore Roosevelt~

Don't bother bringing me fuzzy pink slippers or flowers or food...unless, of course, it makes you happy...in which case, bring it on! Even though it's your presence I need.

If I were grieving the loss of a loved one--my spouse, or one of my children, or my best friend--I would want you to sit at the kitchen table with me and share stories--the sweet, funny, important moments that we enjoyed with them.

"The past beats inside me 
like a second heart."
~John Banville~
I'll make the tea. You bring the cookies.
If my house turned to splinters in a storm, or I lost my job, or my marriage went south I would need you to hold me up, to cheer me on, to shelter me if it came to that. Don't say, "Call me if you need anything." I would need everything and I wouldn't have the strength to pick up the phone. Just come. Sit. Stay.
One of the best presents we can give is exactly that--our presence. Our halting, not-sure-what-to-do-or-what-to-say presence. Our I'll-be-here-for-you-no-matter-what friendship. Our I-wish-I-could-do-more-for-you selves.

This post is dedicated to all who find the holidays season difficult...the poor, the sick and lonely, the sorrowful...and to those who are present for them.

"I think this is how
we're supposed to be in this world:
present and in awe."
~Anne Lamott~

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

"the things we take for granted, someone else is praying for"

The Matterhorn

If your family is anything like mine, you have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. Most of our issues will revolve around what we call "first world problems." Whether to use a tablecloth or place mats for dinner. Whether to serve pumpkin pie or apple. Which grace to recite before we overindulge.

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it 
is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
~William Arthur Ward~

Many people are not so fortunate given today's climate of fear, hatred, and intolerance, the scourge of domestic violence, the plight of the poor and hungry. The threat of gun violence. Of terrorism. The refugee crisis. War.

Clearly, many can't or won't be allowed to enjoy Thanksgiving this year. This, I feel is a sad thing for a country so full of promise, so full of possibility, and so full of hope for so many.

"We should certainly count our blessings,
but we should also make our blessings count."
~Neal A. Maxwell~

Because the news has been especially dismal lately, I decided to share this poem:

Let America Be America Again
Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

Let America be America again.
 Let it be the dream it used to be.
 Let it be the pioneer on the plain
 Seeking a home where he himself is free.

 (America never was America to me.)

 Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed—
 Let it be that great strong land of love
 Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
 That any man be crushed by one above.

 (It never was America to me.)

 O, let my land be a land where Liberty
 Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
 But opportunity is real, and life is free,
 Equality is in the air we breathe.

 (There’s never been equality for me,
 Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)

 ''Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?
 And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?''

 I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
 I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars.
 I am the red man driven from the land,
 I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek—
 And finding only the same old stupid plan
 Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

 I am the young man, full of strength and hope,
 Tangled in that ancient endless chain
 Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!
 Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need!
 Of work the men! Of take the pay!
 Of owning everything for one’s own greed!

 I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.
 I am the worker sold to the machine.
 I am the Negro, servant to you all.
 I am the people, humble, hungry, mean—
 Hungry yet today despite the dream.
 Beaten yet today—O, Pioneers!
 I am the man who never got ahead,
 The poorest worker bartered through the years.

 Yet I’m the one who dreamt our basic dream
 In the Old World while still a serf of kings,
 Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true,
 That even yet its mighty daring sings
 In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned
 That’s made America the land it has become.
 O, I’m the man who sailed those early seas
 In search of what I meant to be my home—
 For I’m the one who left dark Ireland’s shore,
 And Poland’s plain, and England’s grassy lea,
 And torn from Black Africa’s strand I came
 To build a “homeland of the free.”

 The free?

 Who said the free?  Not me?
 Surely not me?  The millions on relief today?
 The millions shot down when we strike?
 The millions who have nothing for our pay?
 For all the dreams we’ve dreamed
 And all the songs we’ve sung
 And all the hopes we’ve held
 And all the flags we’ve hung,
 The millions who have nothing for our pay—
 Except the dream that’s almost dead today.

 O, let America be America again—
 The land that never has been yet—
 And yet must be—the land where ''every'' man is free.
 The land that’s mine—the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME—
 Who made America,
 Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain,
 Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain
 Must bring back our mighty dream again.

 Sure, call me any ugly name you choose—
 The steel of freedom does not stain.
 From those who live like leeches on the people’s lives,
 We must take back our land again,

 O, yes,
 I say it plain,
 America never was America to me,
 And yet I swear this oath—
 America will be!

 Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,
 The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,
 We, the people, must redeem
 The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.
 The mountains and the endless plain—
 All, all the stretch of these great green states—
 And make America again.

Thanksgiving is such an iconic observance in our country, I can't help but feel a bit nostalgic about it, much the way I feel about the values America was founded upon...and much the way I remember the innocent, if naive, pleasure I took in Thanksgivings long since past. This week, I give thanks for the promise, possibility, and hope that America symbolizes to the world.

"The things we take for granted
someone else is praying for."
~Attribution Unknown~

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

how do you process suffering?

How do you process suffering?

If you are a healthcare provider, a caretaker, or a therapist in any field, you expect to encounter suffering. It's part of your job. It's the reason you chose this kind of work: to alleviate suffering. To provide comfort. Care. Healing. 

Whether you are treating a patient with chest pain, or a child with a broken leg, or a patient who has overdosed, you don't hesitate out of fear or dread because you can't bear the sight of blood or the smell of pus. You don't abandon the patient because you're hungry, or tired, or because your shift is coming to an end, and you have other plans. You do your job. You take suffering in stride because it is your calling in life.

"The simple act of caring
is heroic."
~Edward Albert~

The fact that you can provide comfort and relief is its own reward. It motivates you to continue. It is both satisfying and fulfilling. It takes the sting out of the insecurities, fears, and prejudices that might otherwise make you hesitate. However, this is not true in every instance, nor is it true for most ordinary human beings. Not everyone is prepared, or motivated, or courageous enough to confront suffering, their own or others'.

Suffering, of course, comes in many guises: physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual. It can present as pain, hunger, loss, fear, depression, shame, guilt, and grief. Confusion, abandonment, isolation. Dread. Hopelessness. It can end in death. I could go on.

If you're one of the lucky ones who is able to reach out to help the suffering, I hope you will. Volunteer. Donate. Speak up. March. Pray.

If you are a person who prefers to ignore, or deny, or shrug it off when you encounter suffering, now might be a good time to ask yourself, "Why?" 

"Everything can be taken from a man 
but one thing:
...to choose one's attitude
in any given circumstance,
to choose one's own way."
~Viktor Frankl~

This might be a good time to think about how you process the suffering you experience, or witness, or hear about in the news and on social media...because, if the president elect has his way, we are doomed to confront cruelty and suffering that is beyond our wildest imagination. The stuff of nightmares. The forced deportation of innocent men, women, and children to face hunger and thirst, disease, torture, and death once they are outside our borders. The agony and death of women who are denied access to lifesaving medical care. The continuing surge in environmental disasters as a result uncontrolled climate change. The hospitalization and death of children from fully preventable childhood infections like polio, whooping cough, tetanus, and measles. The rise in lethal gun violence. War. Prepare yourself because, when it happens, there may be nothing any of us can do to stop it, and no way for us to aid the victims.

What will we do then?

Will we simply harden our hearts against it? Bury our heads in the sand? Pretend that what is happening is acceptable, or necessary, or just? 

"The real weapons of mass destruction
are the hardened hearts of humanity."
~Leonard Cohen~

It is an extraordinary challenge and a privilege, for those of us who care, to tend to people who are suffering. But what about those who don't care? People who choose to ignore, or deny, or dismiss the problem? People, indeed, who cause others to suffer out of a sense of entitlement, arrogance, or greed? What about them?

Do you agree with Thich Nhat Hanh?:

"When another person makes you suffer,
it is because he suffers deeply himself,
and his suffering is spilling over.
He does not need punishment;
he needs help."
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

How do you deal with suffering? How can you help?

Monday, November 4, 2024

thinking ahead to winter

Zermatt, Switzerland

Do you dread winter's arrival? If so, you probably wish today would last forever.

I stepped outside this morning just as the sun came up expecting to feel a chill in the air and a gusty wind in my face. Instead, the day dawned quiet and bright. The sky a deep, clear blue. The remaining foliage bright red and gold. The sun warm and welcoming.

Not a cloud in the sky. Not a breeze.

Not a dog barking in the distance or a plane rumbling overhead. It was silent and still outside. Even the birds--usually so chatty in the morning--seemed to respect Mother Nature's need for a little peace and quiet. This, ahead of a cold front that is working its way in our direction, bringing with it the gusty winds and falling temperatures that will get us thinking ahead to winter.

With that in mind, here is a short passage from my novel, "The Bandaged Place", that describes the change of seasons:
"November takes me by surprise. I should have seen it coming. Like incense over the altar, wood smoke hangs heavy in the air.

There are pumpkins on every porch—Smiley, Goofy, Grumpy, Spooky—so that Middleburg takes on a personality of its own. This is one of those powder puff mornings when the rising sun causes everything to blush. The air is so still that the chimney smoke reaches straight up into the soft pink haze that clings to the treetops. Instead of dew, we awaken to the glitter of frost on the grass, to ice on the windshield, to breath that crystallizes in mid-air. I can tell that snow is on the way. I know it as surely as I know the smell of honeysuckle in May, of fresh cut grass in July, and burning leaves in October.

Summer has surrendered to autumn. Sightseers choke the mountain roads by day and jam the restaurants and bars at night. But these are fair-weather fans. They may extol the glories of blazing foliage and crisp, clean air but they’ll be sure to head home before snow flies, before Mother Nature packs up her palette and heads south leaving behind the soft soothing shades of oatmeal and brown sugar, of seashells and sand, of bone.
Before the sun pales and the sky turns to lead. Before the wind shifts and whistles unchecked through the bare branches, tossing fallen leaves around like the snow that is sure to follow."
Try to enjoy the change of seasons.

"I prefer winter and fall,
when you feel the bone structure of the landscape.
Something waits beneath it.
The whole story doesn't show."

~Andrew Wyeth~

I'm with Andrew. What about you?

Sunday, October 27, 2024

take my advice


If you have already voted, or if you know who you plan to vote for and nothing anyone says can change your mind, or even if you're still undecided...take my advice. Turn off your TV and other devices. Stop listening to the news and scrolling through the posts that concern the upcoming election. You already know everything you need to know about your candidate. It has been out there for weeks. Nothing about your candidate is going to  change.

the season that teaches us that
change can be beautiful."
~Heather Stillufsen~

Instead, do this. Before it's too late. Before you lose your chance: 

Go outside and take a walk. Enjoy the sunshine and warm weather. Gaze up into the cloudless blue sky. Take time to appreciate the brilliant autumn foliage. Breathe.

Take it easy on yourself. Embrace the beauty of the season. Surrender to wonder. To awe. Like I did today:

Remember: it won't be long before we have more than the election to complain about. Soon, it will be the cold, wet, windy weather that is typical for this time of year. Sleet. Even snow.

Enjoy the next nine days while you can!

"I would rather sit on a pumpkin,
and have it all to myself,
than to be crowded on a velvet cushion."
~Henry David Thoreau~

Be sure you vote!

Monday, October 14, 2024

why you must remain open-minded

After I retired from the practice of traditional Western medicine, I explored a host of "alternative" or "complementary" healing practices that I had been taught to believe were about as effective as snake oil. All of them hocus-pocus. But I'd seen them work, so I was curious about them. My interest in these practices dates back to my experience with hypnosis in the 1970s, thanks to the work of people like Milton Erickson, widely acclaimed to be the father of modern hypnotherapy.

True story:

In 1973, I was in my third year of medical school in upstate New York. Winter that year was brutal. We braced for frigid temperatures and measured snowfall in feet, not inches. Danger lurked everywhere. People filed into emergency rooms with broken arms and legs, amputated fingers from snowblower mishaps, and frostbite. They suffered heart attacks and serious back injuries while shoveling snow. The ER in winter was a good place for a medical student to learn the ropes. How to suture an open wound. How to set a broken bone. How to rewarm frozen fingers.

One Saturday night, when I was shadowing the orthopedic resident on call for the weekend, we were paged to the Emergency Room to see a woman who had slipped on the ice in her driveway, fallen, and dislocated her elbow. This is a painful injury, and it usually requires strong pain medication and sedation or light anesthesia before the injured joint can be safely realigned and immobilized.

Interestingly, the resident I was with that night had earned a reputation as something of a maverick among his colleagues  He'd orchestrated his own inguinal hernia repair under self-hypnosis when he was an intern...no anesthesia needed, thank you very much...and he was known for offering hypnosis to his patients in lieu of anesthesia for certain procedures, as well.

This was back in days when alternative approaches to healing were met with derision and even mockery by traditionally trained physicians like myself. So, I was a little skeptical when the resident offered to hypnotize the woman with the injured elbow, and she readily agreed. 

He simply instructed her to direct her gaze upward while she slowly closed her eyes and counted backwards from ten. Ten. Nine. Eight...and she was out. He gave her elbow a yank and a twist to relocate it, wrapped it, and asked her to open her eyes. She walked out a happy woman.

I was sold. So sold, in fact, I went on to study self-hypnosis, and I eventually underwent a surgical procedure without sedation or anesthesia myself. Afterwards, I climbed off the gurney, got dressed, and went out for lunch. So, I know it works...

It didn't take a huge leap of faith to move from hypnosis into a meditation practice, and from there to consciousness studies, and from there, to energy practices, all of which were…and, for the most part, still are...regarded as nonsense in the "real" health care community where I practiced medicine for thirty years.

Most mainstream medical providers deny or dismiss the validity of energy medicine...practices that are believed to free up and move internal energy. Not everyone believes that focused attention or consciousness can redirect or release energy in the body, and that this can lead to healing. But many people do believe in it. They dedicate their lives to it. They train for years. They include practitioners of therapeutic touch and Reiki, sound healers and crystal healers, chakra and aura healers, faith healers and shamans, acupuncturists, Ayurvedic healers, yogis and Qigong healers, among many others...

...which intrigues me. Not only how energy medicine works...but the fact that it works at all. And the fact that so few health care providers are aware of these techniques, or curious about them, or receptive to them, because, lacking randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind studies to prove their worth, they don't believe in them. 

The prevailing bias against these practices and techniques arises out of the usual arguments citing the placebo effect. It denies the subjective influence of the healer's presence and touch, of empathy, connection, and open heart, all of which have been shown to play a role in healing. It ignores the fact that the therapeutic efficacy of many traditional Western medicines and practices also depend upon the placebo effect. They work because the patient expects them to work. Because the patient believes they work. Because they trust their healthcare provider. The efficacy also depends upon the interaction between the patient and the health care provider, including his attentiveness, ability to communicate, and to instill trust and hope.

"The placebo effect is scientific proof
that we have the ability
to heal ourselves."
~Dr. Kelly Brogan~ 

Health care is based upon science. Upon research. Upon observational studies and outcome statistics. If you are a health care provider, or if you see one, you trust medical science. You have studied it, or observed it, or experienced healing because of it. You are also aware of its shortcomings.

Many traditionally trained physicians reject the role and efficacy of alternate approaches to healing, among them hypnotherapy and energy medicine, because they haven't studied them or tried them. This is blatantly unscientific. The true scientist is curious about things he doesn't understand. He makes an effort to learn about them. He tests them out. He tries them for himself.

Opening ourselves to possibility, exploring issues we are curious and even skeptical about, and embracing our intuition when it contradicts what we have been taught or conditioned to believe all enable us to choose our way forward. To live fully. To break away when we are torn by the dualities we encounter…what we are taught to believe versus what we observe or experience in our lives, what we are conditioned to accept and defend even when it violates our deeply held beliefs, our tendency to deny the truth when it offends our perception of reality.

As health care providers and consumers, instead of rejecting outright what we don't believe in, or understand, or trust, we should explore, observe, and evaluate for ourselves. Who knows what we might learn that will help us heal others...and ourselves.

"Be open-minded...
Free yourself of preconceptions...
Question everything, even yourself."
~Loren Salmansohn~






























Most people I know enjoy visiting the zoo where they are guided by colorful banners and propelled by children’s laughter and their shrieks of anticipation and awe. Where lumbering elephants, yawning hippos, and acrobatic monkeys appear to live in peace, their needs met and the purpose of their lives fulfilled. It’s reassuring to know they don’t have to worry about being eaten alive, starving to death on the Serengeti, or drowning in a pool of mud. This is how I saw it when I was a child, although my thoughts on the subject have changed over the years.

Now that I’m older, I wonder if the animals are as content as they appear to be in their cages, satisfied with their man-made habitats, and happy behind the fences that surround them. I wonder why they pace endlessly and aimlessly back and forth, or sleep the day away when they haven’t been forced to chase down prey or run for their own lives. How do they satisfy the ancestral instinct to migrate as the seasons change? To evade and escape predators? To search for food and water? What happened to the native intuition that enabled their survival and propagation over the millennia? Is there something missing? Something they long for but can’t identify or express?

How did they end up there in the first place?

I wonder about it because I sometimes feel the same way. I find myself asking the same kind of questions. “How did I end up here?” In this place? With this job? With this person?

What is my purpose in life, a real sticking point as I age. Why do I sometimes feel empty? Lonely? Who am I

Are there other options? Is there a way out? How can I free myself? What else is possible?

Welcome to the lineage of thinkers, spiritual explorers, and intellectual seekers who have confronted these same questions ahead of you, for thousands of years. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle. Buddha. Mohammad. Jesus and Mary. Emerson and Thoreau. Your own pastor or priest. Your grandparents, and theirs. Every human being who has contemplated the end of life, none of whom has arrived at the answer, the fundamental truth. Something is missing. That

First came the promises. You’ll be safe, cared for, protected. Then, the enticements. Food. Shelter. Affection. You thought you would be happy. Successful. At peace. But you’re not. You were tricked.

The promises came from people you trusted or depended upon when you were too young, or naïve, or ________to understand what was happening. From your parents and teachers. Your friends and family. Priests and pastors. They came from people who asserted power over you, manipulated you, even coerced you. They deceived you while claiming to have your best interests at heart. “This is the way,” they told you. If you hope to be embraced in this life, if you seek success and happiness, this is what you have to do. If you hope to enter heaven this is what you have to believe. And because you were lost, lonely, and hungry, or because you felt threatened, or because you didn’t know any better, you did what they told you to do. You fell for it. 

It is also possible you misunderstood what they were trying to tell you. Or you felt pressured to conform, even though you were uncomfortable with their expectations, conduct, and values.

Then, you realized there were rules. Requirements. Contingencies. 

After all, you were inundated with images and behaviors that offended your sense of propriety, good sense, and community.

There was a lot at stake.

If you have visited a zoo, or an animal shelter, or a sanctuary you know what I mean. The animals surrendered to captivity when they were vulnerable. Perhaps they’d been abandoned, or they were hungry or injured. It wasn’t until the gate closed behind them that they realized it takes more than food to satisfy real hunger. More than a roof over your head to feel safe. More than an adoring audience to fulfill your dreams.

Likewise, it takes more than a big house, or a sporty car, or new wardrobe to make you happy. More than wealth, or power, or accolades to satisfy your longing. Not until the gate closes behind us do we realize we have been tricked. We are trapped.

We thought we would be happy, but we aren’t. We thought our problems would disappear, but they didn’t. We thought our prayers would be answered, but they haven’t been. Instead, we find ourselves tethered to someone else’s idea of right and wrong. Rich and poor. Happy and sad.

We are conditioned to surrender to other people’s opinions, and to the conclusions we drew as children that became our beliefs about who we are and what we deserve in life. By the time we realize this is not__________________

And so, we pace. We search for a way out. But the thought of leaving safety and security behind can be scary. The idea of making our own way in the world, of questioning or abandoning the people we depend upon immobilizes us. We look for freedom, a new job, a new church, a different partner…………….until we end up so exhausted, so frustrated, so unhappy we give up. We curl up in a corner and go to sleep. We follow rituals that have no meaning to us. We spout the platitudes we grew up with, trivialize our doubts, and surrender rather than embracing our own innate wisdom and reason.

This is life in captivity, where the way we’re meant to see the world is laid out for us. Where people who claim to know it all, tell us what we should believe, what we are supposed to do, and how we should see ourselves. Which is fine if they tell you you’re bright, capable, kind, handsome, and strong. The problem is that it doesn’t always come out that way. Instead____They make you feel weak, stupid, lazy, unlovable, or worthless. You end up believing it, and you can’t shake it off. And because they appear to know what they’re talking about, you do what you’re told. IE:


Finding your way out is really about finding your way back

. ‘Finding yourself’ is not really how it works…You are not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are. ‘Finding Yourself’ is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you.”